Sunday, February 26, 2012

Finding it hard to finish images since yesterday.
Here are 2 images of bottles in watercolor on 9"x6"

Friday, February 24, 2012

I took on more than i could manage yesterday 
and could only complete it today.  So another image by tonight :-)
Gotta keep the image-a-day going.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

A playful, Klee inspired, peaceful evening spent with my children...
all reflected in this image.  Watercolor 9" x 12"

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Zoya's feather collection in a hand made pot.
Ink, spit and stick.  6"x8"

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Balkad Menshinkai in a glass jar (dry, stuffed chillies)
Ink, water and stick. 6"x8"

I'm newly inspired by and  I plan on drawing everyday this year. 

I have been considering how unpredictable my life with my kids is... as we are unschooling/life-learning etc.  So my days are sometimes easy and wide open.  Sometimes they are full and chaotic.  I have begun to feel a need to feel ink on my fingers if not the buttery oils i love.  So I've begun.  

One drawing/painting a day is not hard.  Easy to focus on.  I don't have to plan in advance.  I can sit anywhere in the house that inspires.  And i'm not taking these drawings seriously... i plan to just do them, have fun and share them here. I plan to use small sized bits of paper and canvas board or other material.  So that size and set-up-time is not distracting me for now.