Sunday, January 29, 2012

At the local PPC meet up i sketched around Chatushringi Temple. PPC or Pune Pencil Club brings together people who like to create art.  Some are professional, some are hobbyists.  I love drawing outdoors.  This group has helped me get out to draw again.

Monday, January 02, 2012

I have been using photography as a medium this past year.  Especially when i feel i have less time on hand or no materials around.  Its been artistically satisfying.  Some examples are below.  

I've also discovered a lovely group in Pune called the Pune Pencil Club.  They meet as often as possible and sketch, share art and talk art.  My first meeting was delightful.  I got to talk about art and artists and felt truly quenched.  This little sketch is from that meeting.  Its a corner of the coffee shop we sat at.... Grubshup.  The owner is an art supporter and provides free exhibition space to local artists.